How do I get rid of All This Stuff? CVSWMD A-Z Guide You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. What are you looking to dispose of? Items Aerosol cans, empty, food grade & personal care productsAerosol cans, empty, toxics (pesticides, paint, solvents, etc.)Aerosol cans, not empty, toxics (pesticides, paint, solvents, etc.)Air conditioners, AC window unitsAluminum: cans, pie plates, foil, siding, etc. (smaller than 4x4 feet)AmmoniaAmmunitionAntifreeze, coolant, and glycolAppliances, large, metal (aka “white goods” refrigerators, washing machines, dryers, etc.)Appliances, small (microwaves, coffee makers, blenders, etc.)Arsenic or CCA pressure-treated wood & palletsAsbestos, asbestos-containing materialsAsphaltAsphalt shingles, new, reusableAsphalt shingles, nonreusableAutomobiles, vehicles, cars and trucksAutomotive fluids - transmission, gear, crankcase, and motor oilBaby food squeeze pouchesBags, purses, backpacksBallasts, non-PCB, for fluorescent lightsBallasts, PCB, for fluorescent lightsBatteries, household (single use & rechargeable, automotive-lead acid, marine/boat)Batteries, large Lithium (Li or Li-ion) (E-bike, E-lawnmower, E-chainsaw, etc.)Batteries, large Lithium Ion (electric car, industrial, solar system)Batteries, lithium-ion, damaged or swollenBeer bottle capsBicycle tubesBleach and bleach-based productsBooks, hardcoverBooks, paperbackBoxboardBread tabsBrita filters and packagingBroken fluorescent bulbs and CFLsBuilding materialsCaps and lids, metalCaps and lids, plasticCar seats, infant and toddler Carpeting and rugsCartons, coated (milk, juice, broth, etc.)Cases, all types of plastic CD/DVD, video & audio tapeCassette & VHS Tapes, CDs, DVDs, Blue-ray, LaserDisc, floppy discs, etc. CatalogsCD and DVD playersCell phone casesCeramic toilets, sinks, and fixturesChip and popcorn bagsChristmas trees and wreaths, metalChristmas trees, realCigarette buttsClean wood (natural wood, stumps, roots, lumber that has never been painted, stained, or treated)Cleaning products, hazardous (oven and toilet cleaners, drain openers, etc.)Clothing, sheets, towels, footwear, hats, gloves, belts, scarves, jewelry & soft bagsComputer disks, CDs & DVDs (music, movies, video games)Computer monitors, any type - CRTs, flat-panel, LCD, and plasma displaysComputer peripherals - mouse, keyboards, scanners, external hard drives, modems, routers, computer speakersComputers, desktops, laptops, notebooks, and netbooksConcrete and masonryConstruction and demolition debrisCopiers and printers, floor modelCords, cables, adaptors, and electrical wiresCorks, natural and artificialCorrugated cardboard, uncoatedCovid-19 Home Test KitsCreosote & sootDehumidifiersDimensional lumber, wood boardsDocuments for shreddingDrink pouches (juice, cocktails, etc.)Egg cartons, paperEgg cartons, plasticEgg cartons, styrofoamEyeglassesFabric and textiles, bedding, table cloths, linens, curtains, rags, etc.Fax machinesFertilizers, chemicalFire extinguishersFireworks and explosivesFlammable liquidsFlower pots, plant pots, ceramic or clayFlower pots, plant pots, plastic (non-black)Food for donationFood grade cooking oilFood scraps, food wasteFuel and fuel mixesFurniture, couches, sofas, recliners, etc.Game consoles, video game systemsGasoline and gas/oil mixturesGift wrap, metallic, foil, shiny, sparkle, coatedGift wrap, wrapping paper, plain onlyGlass Bottles and Jars, BrokenGlass bottles and Jars, UnbrokenGlassware and ceramicsHand and power toolsHazardous chemical containers, empty (used motor oil, bleach, cleaners, disinfectants, pesticides, etc.)Hearing aids, batteries removedHelium tanks (Balloon Time, emptied)Holiday string lights, Christmas lightsHydraulic fluidsHypodermic needles, lancets, syringes, sharpsInstrument strings (unused), metal, nylon, or otherInstrument strings (used), metalInstrument strings (used), nylon or otheriPods, MP3 and music playersIrons Joint compound and spacklingJunk mailKeroseneLawn mower, gas powered, push mower (fluids drained)Lead paint chipsLead paint woodLead sinkersLight bulbs/lamps, Fluorescent, brokenLight bulbs/lamps, fluorescent, intactLight bulbs/lamps, incandescent, halogen, LED, UV (no neon)Lighting fixturesMagazinesMasks, FaceMattresses and box springsMedia-players, e-readersMedical equipment and supplies - walkers, toilet stands, crutches, wheelchairs, CPAP, etc.Medical wasteMedications, prescriptions, and pharmaceutical drugs and pillsMercury (liquid, loose, broken mercury-containing products)Mercury thermostats, unbrokenMercury-containing devices, unbroken (thermometers, switches, relays, sensors)Metal cansMetal roofing and sidingMicrowave ovensMothballs (paradichlorobenzene)Motor oilNewspaperOil filtersPacking materials: peanuts, Styrofoam or starchPaint (automotive, non-architectural, not household)Paint and primers, stains (architectural), deck and concrete sealers, clear finishes (oil-based, latex, varnish, shellac), labelled in original cansPaint cans, empty, metalPaint cans, empty, plasticPaperPaper bagsPellet stove bagsPens, crayons, makers, and pencilsPersonal electronics (GPS Units, cameras, Mp3 players, etc.)Phone booksPhones, cellPhones, landlinePizza boxesPlastic bins and totesPlastic bottles and jugsPlastic containers, bottles, and jugs (non-black)Plastic film, stretchy - clean & dry #2 & #4 (bags, bubble wrap, shipping envelopes, shrink wrap, etc.)Poisons, pesticides, insecticides, fungicidesPrescription pill, vitamin, and supplement bottles, greater than 2"x2"Prescription pill, vitamin, and supplement bottles, less than 2"x2"Printer, copier, toner, ink cartridgesPrinters, desktopPropane tanksPump heads and spray triggersRags, oilyReceiptsRefrigerators and freezers, dorm-styleRefrigerators and freezers, standard size or largerRigid Can Carriers, beer or soda (aka hard plastic 4 or 6 pack holders)Scrap metal, 4'x4' and largerScrap metal, under 4’x4’Shaving razors, blades, and packagingSheetrock, drywall, and gypsum boardShoes, clean, dry, and in pairsShredded paper (in clear bag)Ski and snowboard equipmentSmall kitchen appliancesSmoke detectorsSolvents (paint thinner, laquer thinner, acetone)Speakers, stereos and stereo systemsSteel cansStoves, ovens, rangesStyrofoam blocks and packagingStyrofoam or starch peanutsTape dispensers and coresTelevisions, TVs, CRTs, flat-panel, LCD, and plasma displays, tabletsTennis ballsTires, car and passenger truckTires, commercial truckTires, motorcycleToothbrushes, empty toothpaste tubes, dental floss containersTrees, logs, stumps, and rootsTyvekUntreated wood and palletsVacuum cleanersVape pens and cartridgesVCRsVHS tapesVinyl recordsWarmgel heat pack, hand and toe warmersWater coolers, householdWater heaterWindows and doorsWireWood ashYard waste - leaves, grass clippings, brush, branches & limbs under 1"Ziploc food storage plastic bags Email me the report please! 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