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Title Author Last update Sort ascending
Bolduc Metal Recycling admin
Additional Recyclables Collection Center, CVSWMD’s ARCC admin
Central Vermont Household Hazardous Waste Collection Theron
Vape pens and cartridges Theron
Helium tanks (Balloon Time, emptied) Theron
Kohl's Theron
Hannaford Theron
Shaw's Theron
Plastic film, stretchy - clean & dry #2 & #4 (bags, bubble wrap, shipping envelopes, shrink wrap, etc.) Theron
Shred-Ex Theron
Trash cassandra
Donation Theron
Recycling Theron
Books, paperback Theron
Books, hardcover Theron
Plastic film, stretchy - clean & dry #2 & #4 (bags, bubble wrap, shipping envelopes, shrink wrap, etc.) Theron
PaintCare Location Finder Theron
Paint and primers, stains (architectural), deck and concrete sealers, clear finishes (oil-based, latex, varnish, shellac), labelled in original cans Theron
Packing materials: peanuts, Styrofoam or starch Theron
Rigid Can Carriers, beer or soda (aka hard plastic 4 or 6 pack holders) Theron
TerraCycle Theron
Light bulbs/lamps, Fluorescent, broken Theron
Light bulbs/lamps, fluorescent, intact Theron
Batteries, large Lithium Ion (electric car, industrial, solar system) cassandra
Pizza boxes Theron
Instrument strings (unused), metal, nylon, or other Theron
Fabric and textiles, bedding, table cloths, linens, curtains, rags, etc. Theron
Corks, natural and artificial Theron
Cigarette butts Theron
Cases, all types of plastic CD/DVD, video & audio tape Theron
Cassette & VHS Tapes, CDs, DVDs, Blue-ray, LaserDisc, floppy discs, etc. Theron
Bicycle tubes Theron
Batteries, household (single use & rechargeable, automotive-lead acid, marine/boat) Theron
Baby food squeeze pouches Theron
GreenDisk Theron
Medications, prescriptions, and pharmaceutical drugs and pills Theron