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Title Author Sort ascending Last update
Caps and lids Theron
Catalogs Theron
Cartons, coated (milk, juice, broth, etc.) Theron
Corrugated cardboard, uncoated Theron
Carpeting and rugs Theron
Car seats, infant and toddler Theron
Catalogs Theron
Computer disks, CDs & DVDs (music, movies, video games) Theron
Cases, all types of plastic CD/DVD, video & audio tape Theron
Ceramic toilets, sinks, and fixtures Theron
Chip and popcorn bags Theron
Christmas trees, real Theron
Cigarette butts Theron
Clothing, sheets, towels, footwear, hats, gloves, belts, scarves, jewelry & soft bags Theron
Computers, desktops, laptops, notebooks, and netbooks Theron
Concrete and masonry Theron
Construction and demolition debris Theron
Copiers and printers, floor model Theron
Cords, cables, adaptors, and electrical wires Theron
Creosote & soot Theron
Computer monitors, any type - CRTs, flat-panel, LCD, and plasma displays Theron
Clean wood (natural wood, stumps, roots, lumber that has never been painted, stained, or treated) Theron
Call2Recycle Theron
Chittenden Environmental Depot Theron
Compost Facility Theron
Cookeville Compost Theron
Cork Club Theron
Crazy Crayons Theron
Central Vermont Household Hazardous Waste Collection Theron
CD and DVD players Theron
Cleaning products, hazardous (oven and toilet cleaners, drain openers, etc.) Theron
Computer peripherals - mouse, keyboards, scanners, external hard drives, modems, routers, computer speakers Theron
Cell phone cases Theron
Cassette & VHS Tapes, CDs, DVDs, Blue-ray, LaserDisc, floppy discs, etc. Theron
Caps and lids, plastic Theron
Caps and lids, metal Theron