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Title Author Sort descending Last update
Refrigerators and freezers, standard size or larger Theron
Sheetrock, drywall, and gypsum board Theron
Shoes, clean, dry, and in pairs Theron
Shredded paper (in clear bag) Theron
Smoke detectors Theron
Steel cans Theron
Styrofoam blocks and packaging Theron
Styrofoam or starch peanuts Theron
Stoves, ovens, ranges Theron
Tape dispensers and cores Theron
Televisions, TVs, CRTs, flat-panel, LCD, and plasma displays, tablets Theron
Tennis balls Theron
Bicycle tubes Theron
Printer, copier, toner, ink cartridges Theron
Toothbrushes, empty toothpaste tubes, dental floss containers Theron
Automotive fluids - transmission, gear, crankcase, and motor oil Theron
Trees, logs, stumps, and roots Theron
Tyvek Theron
Untreated wood and pallets Theron
Vape pens and cartridges Theron
VHS tapes Theron
Vinyl records Theron
Water coolers, household Theron
Water heater Theron
Windows and doors Theron
Wire Theron
Clean wood (natural wood, stumps, roots, lumber that has never been painted, stained, or treated) Theron
Gift wrap, wrapping paper, plain only Theron
Yard waste - leaves, grass clippings, brush, branches & limbs under 1" Theron
All Metals Recycling Theron
Architectural Salvage Warehouse Theron
Auto Parts Stores Theron
Black Dirt Farm Theron
Boy Scout Organization, Barre collection Theron
Call2Recycle Theron
​Central Vermont Humane Society Theron